First, we got word that Zoey made it to her new home safely. Her new parents even posted a series of photos on Facebook that showed her meeting her new pasture mates and being fed apples. It looks like she is settling in quite well. Today, Brian and I found our normal conversation on the… Read more »
Zoey Goes ‘Home’
It’s been hard to sit on the news for a week, but I didn’t want to post this until everything was final. However, as of today, Zoey is no longer our horse. We’re just home from loading her into a trailer, and watching it drive away. Zoey new owners live north of Des Moines, a… Read more »
Lots of Riding
Well, it’s been lots of riding for January, at least. The less than ideal weather has been so less than ideal that I’ve gotten out a few extra times to check on everyone. And when I’m out there, why not go for a short ride? I am also giving a lesson every Friday, so that… Read more »
A New Foundation
Today, for the first time in quite a while, I rode Zoey. Being around her is pretty different these days. I walked up to her in the pasture, and she dropped her head so I could slip the halter on. We went in and turned her and Bear out in the indoor. She’s starting to… Read more »
Breaking Records
Typically for us, January is a month of not much riding. It’s always cold. The new year always seems to come with a rush of work. It seems like a good time to hunker down with a throw blanket and a cup of tea. But today Brian and I both felt we could use an… Read more »
The First Two Weeks
So far, 2014 has been… interesting. We’ve had crazy weather — temps lower than I really realized they could get in regions where things live, followed by warm stretches that have the horses sweating through their fuzzy coats. And my injuries from my tumble with Steen have been really slow to heal. Really slow. And… Read more »
Like so much of the country, we are experiencing some pretty crazy temps. I’ve made it out to the barn the past three days, though, and I’m happy to say our four are doing quite well. The big cold was rolling in Sunday evening, so I went out to check everything late that afternoon. It… Read more »
The Goals Post
It is officially 2014, which means my saddle hours count has reset. I’ve been trying to decide what my ride time goal for the year should be. It’s a bit tricky, because while I’d like the ride more, there is the reality that I am not a professional horseback rider. I am a web developer… Read more »
New Year!
Got my first ride of the year in today. It was super cold and snowy, but we had a pretty good time. I rode Zoey, and she was happy to come in and was very relaxed. But under saddle, she was a little more tense. She had two spooks. I have no idea what caused… Read more »
A Bad Bale
It has been an odd week with the horses. On Sunday last weekend, Steen seemed much improved. We had a nice ride. I gave him more probiotics. I thought we were in the clear. Year-end work has been nutty for me, plus I am still pretty sore. So again, several days passed before we made… Read more »