As Steen ages, I’m searching for ways to keep him in shape and happy and healthy.
Bareback Prescription
Someone kicked Steen in the belly so we’re once again not able to use a saddle for a while.
A Navicular Diagnosis
When I started Piper in early 2015, she was sound. However, as we moved past the first few rides and got going a little, at times I felt she was a little off at the trot. It was always really hard to pin down, or even be sure of. Some days it was maybe, maybe… Read more »
The Phantom Itch
I was hoping to start 2016 with a clean slate, leave all the hiccups of last year in the dust, and get back into a better pattern with the horses. Unfortunately, that’s not quite how things have gone. Right before we left for our holiday travels, Steen came up itchy. And I mean really, really,… Read more »
Foxtails and an Abscess
It seems to be a pattern that we end up calling the vet shortly after getting a new horse. This time around is turned out to be no exception. As we mentioned, Aiden was a little off on the right hind when farrier saw him on Wednesday. We checked in with him on Thursday and… Read more »
The Birthday Rides (2013 edition)
Somehow it never occurred to me until my birthday last year that I could give myself the day off to celebrate. In theory, a perk of running your own business is you can occasionally decide to do things like this for purely self-indulgent reasons. Of course, I almost never do. But today, I did. I… Read more »
A Name and a Ride
I think we have decided on a name for the new girl. At the moment we’re leaning towards calling her Zoey. We tried it out today and it seemed pretty natural. So for the moment, Zoey it is. We got the barn and attended to our sick ponies first. We gave Bear his meds and… Read more »
Long Weekend
Robin has some better summaries here and here. I don’t really feel up to writing about all of it. We are pretty excited to have our new horse, but that first day was really packed. I was excited Robin had a great ride on her. Unfortunately, Bear was not doing so great for our ride. … Read more »
A Good Start to a Long, Long Day
We had quite the barn Sunday. It panned out in three segments: Ride One, Ride Two, and Unplanned Vet Call. And I’m afraid this post is going to end up rather long. Ride One We were excited to get out to the barn today and see how our new girl is taking to her new environment.… Read more »
Softness and Life
These strike me as two of the most important elements in horsemanship. Over the past couple of years I have been working hard on coming to understand softness. I know I can keep getting softer (probably a LOT softer), but Bear and I have come so far in this area. What I often lack is… Read more »