Palomino Mare – SOLD
Piper is a very sweet mare who has navicular syndrome. She is not currently sound to ride. She came to us three years ago at the age of five. Some other generous people had recovered her from a rescue situation in which she nearly starved to death. They got her back into good health, and then we took her on in order to break her to ride in hopes of finding her a forever home after she had a good training foundation.
We started her under saddle in February of 2015, and things went really well from the beginning. Despite her late start, she came along quickly. By late summer we had a solid foundation in walk, trot, and canter, and were starting her with basic lateral movements and exploring outside of the arena.
She came up very mildly lame that fall. We gave her time off. When she didn’t recover we had a couple vets look at her and finally one came up with the navicular diagnosis. Since then, we have tried to correct with various types of shoes and osphos injections. Despite some intermittent periods of promising improvement, she is still not reliably sound to ride. Our vet has recommended a surgery to cut the navicular nerve, but we do not have the resources for the procedure at this time.
Although she can’t currently carry a rider, Piper is very gentle and friendly. She has impeccable ground manners, leads, stands tied, and is good in a herd. She has a stellar work ethic and tries very hard to please her handler. She’s had extensive groundwork in the last few years, but can still be a little uncertain around new people. She isn’t pushy or dominant around other horses. Under saddle she is quiet and steady despite her limited experience. She has the most gorgeous mane and beautiful coat.
We were told she is a registered Quarter Horse, but sadly her papers were lost during the rescue operation that saved her life. We’ve been unable to recover them.
Piper is easy to catch and is good with the vet and farrier. She is UTD on shots, worming and teeth. She currently wears a correctly shoe to help with her symptoms. She is sweet and gentle and a real beauty. We adore this mare and wish we could continue to care for her ourselves. Our goal is to find Piper a loving home where she will be appreciated for all her good qualities.
Price is highly negotiable to a good home. Our sole goal is to see Piper in the hands of someone who will love her. For more photos see the #piperpalomino hashtag on Instagram.
for more information
(319) 535-0891