How To’s

How to Retrain the Hard to Catch Horse

The most important thing to keep in mind when working with a horse that’s hard to catch is he has a reason for wanting to avoid being caught. It doesn’t matter what his reason is. What matters is to work consistently and systematically to change his mind. This is a training problem, not a horse… Read more »

If It’s Important, Do It Every Ride

It’s easy to lose track of things while you’re riding. It’s easy to focus on problems, or cultivate new skills. And yet, horses learn through repetition, so the only way to ensure they learn something and remember it is to practice it all the time. Here’s a short list of often overlooked skills many horses… Read more »

How to Make Repetition Your Superpower

Horses learn through repetition, and people learn through repetition, and yet so often people fail to be consistent with their horses. example: the fidgeting horse There is a horse at our barn who fidgets when tied. This habit drives the horse’s owner crazy. Every day, she ties her horse up, and the scene that follows… Read more »